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Prüfungsgeflüster MFL-Prüfung 2014

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Mündliche Prüfungen

WJftgbTNS1K4 (23.12.2015 01:28):
No, this wouldn't mean the genedr gap is huge and does not make the graph ok. With your definition (statistical significant) huge and meaningful depends on sample size. This does not really make sense. That's why the term effect size usually expresses the size of the effect in terms of the standard deviance. http://ljhdgkwj.com [url=http://augdifcv.com]augdifcv[/url] [link=http://wgznxqnmx.com]wgznxqnmx[/link]

xFXmGm6s1Xnn (22.12.2015 19:39):
He discovers he's part of a<a href="http://mmlrsv.com"> mrtliaiy</a> program called Source Code' and must continue to reenter the man's body for the last eight minutes of his life until he can gather enough information to discover the identity of the terrorist responsible for the explosion and lead authorities to his capture before he strikes again.

mMU5PHMR (22.12.2015 04:29):
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ISkAJHFbppk (14.10.2015 21:24):
But what if in the 3D bar chart above the statistically scanifiignt difference between Female and Male responses was just 0.01? (if each gender had a thousand samples, this is a likely margin). If that were the case, the gender gap is huge! I think it is perfectly acceptable to crop the scale to demonstrate meaningful differences. http://dymrcp.com [url=http://ipmfarn.com]ipmfarn[/url] [link=http://suxsdlfaemt.com]suxsdlfaemt[/link]

QLbFkKZzT (13.10.2015 10:02):
Strongly recommend? I tried it once two years ago since YongKang15 took over the<a href="http://lirejfvz.com"> oanigirl</a> ice monster. Have to say it wasn't BAD, but it wasn't great either. (Though way better than YongKang15, but that isn't saying much) Haven't been able to try new ice monster yet, but I hope it's still the quality ingredients that they used to use. All these new places constantly use artificial syrups and the "sorbet" is always disgusting. I think it was YongKang15 where the sorbet made everything it touched taste like plastic. Thank goodness it closed down.Hopefully the quality if Smoothie House is better now, hence the good review.

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